Tapas of Comedy

Food- A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan
This romance for food lovers is a “soup-to nuts” buffet of flavor. The author covers every conceivable aspect of culinary delight. There are restaurant reviews and summaries for breakfasts, drinks, snacks and desserts. To tickle the reader’s taste buds, Gaffigan includes a food map of the U.S., graphs, and a recipe or two. All of which tantalize the funny bone.
Short chapters make the book snack friendly. Read a skimpy serving whenever you need a few laughs. Feast on several pages when you have the time for more. Find out why a chubby waiter is better than a thin one. Discover how Gaffigan’s wife manages to stay so thin while married to a plump husband. Peruse the passages about the best food in New York City. Form your own opinions concerning the merits of a Hot Pocket. Make a menu of foods you do NOT want to try while traveling in Europe.
An avid reader often enjoys a treat while reading. What else would “bulging” in BulgingBookElf refer to? The problem with a comedic book about food is that it encourages hunger. Hunger encourages even more snacking. Perhaps each copy should include an attached bag of nuts or chips. No sharing. Get your own. http://www.randomhouse.com/book/236811/food-a-love-story-by-jim-gaffigan

The end of the book includes a benediction of sorts. “I hope your coffee is strong, your cheese is sharp, and your guacamole is chunky.” He really knows how to make a food lover’s eyes mist. I recommend this book for all its delicious merits.
I received this book from BloggingForBooks in exchange for a review.